Saturday, April 18, 2009

We take requests

There are a number of issues were are going to address over the next weeks - if you have a particular question, post it here or email us.



  1. I have three things i would love you guys to look at:

    1) the claim that measles is a simple childhood illness that is desirable to get

    2)The "toxins" argument

    3) whether or not the pertussis portion of the DTaP vaccine can prevent transmission of pertussis

    Number three is one I am especially waiting for some good information on!

  2. Excellent suggestions Valo. The first is actually in the pipeline and we can put the other 2 in the queue. Thanks for the suggestions.

  3. I'm interested in #3 above too.

    I'd also be interested in your thoughts on non-vax persons as reservoirs for disease.

  4. Please comment on the 'fact' I always hear repeated that the hib and prevnar vaccines have not lowered overall cases of meningitis.

  5. Would love to see a reasoned discussion of Gardasil, reported adverse events, and media coverage on this issue. thx

  6. This might be a little out of your purview, but I'd love it if you could address this:

    As well as this:

  7. Great suggestions and we will address these in the future, if not the near future.

    Just a quick note about Hib and Prevnar vaccines; they have reduced the rates of meningitis in the paediatric population. However, there is evidence of serotype replacement, with the latter and should be examined and explained more thoroughly.

  8. Could you address the latest antivax argument (new to me, at least) that genetic changes in parents caused by their vaccination leads to autism in the next generation?

  9. Blue, Sorry, just saw this. No, there is absolutely no validity to that claim. Vaccines don't cause genetic changes so the argument is rubbish out of the gate.

  10. Hi....I read your posts on Dr. Bob's blog (I get the Sears newsletter and was interested in the info about H1N1). I'd love to see some solid information about the upcoming H1N1 vaccination. Lots of folks are worrying about whether or not to vaccinate their kids based on past flu vaccine issues. Thanks!
