
Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Spot of bother" as The Sun reports on measles

The English Sun tabloid has a short piece on the rise of measles cases in the UK, which is a masterpiece in media accuracy, or rather, lack thereof.

It starts with the picture used:

which is indeed a "spotty" child, however, this child clearly has chicken pox, not the measles.

The teaser is more of a political statement than a summary (also reflected in the link text
The number of measles cases here in Britain has almost doubled after a surge of visitors arriving for the Olympics and Paralympics.
Well, no, actually, the measles numbers reported here by the Health Protection Agency are for the period of January to end of June 2012. The Olympic Games didn't start until the 27th of July and visitors have nothing to do with the rise in measles cases. The Sun goes on:
Tourists from other countries, including the United States, have been warned to have a vaccination before arriving in the country to avoid creating an epidemic in other parts of the world.
Yes, spot on - the UK might export the measles, and has not imported them through Olympic athletes or spectators. Why didn't you write that in the teaser or link?

The subsequent image is titled "Failure... parents have neglected to vaccinate their kids" 

Holy cow - if the MMR came in such a huge syringe with such a big fat needle, I would have hesitated too. In fact, only about 1/6th of what is shown in that image (0.5ml instead of the visible 3ml) are injected. That is about 1/10th of a teaspoon full of fluid.

The Sun is reasonably good about describing the symptoms of measles, however they are, unfortunately, wrong about this:
The last UK death was a two-year-old child in 1992.
The last UK death was a 13 year old boy in 2006. 

The Sun is also overly optimistic when it comes to treatment options for the measles. While 
Children may be treated at home with pain and fever-reducing syrups such as paracetamol and they need plenty of fluids.
will be true for the milder cases, this:
Hospital treatments, with antiviral drugs, may be needed in more serious cases.
is actually not possible. A recent publication on measles control states very unambiguously:
Currently, no therapeutics for the treatment of measles are available.  
so that hospital treatment for serious cases means ventilation for respiratory distress, antibiotics against opportunistic bacterial infections and general life support in the case of encephalitis/coma.

At least they get the last bit right:
What can I do prevent it? UK kids are offered vaccination against measles as part of the MMR vaccine, which is given to them between 12 and 15 months of age.
They then have a booster before they start school, between the ages of three and five. 

Is the vaccine safe? Yes. The original paper suggesting a link between MMR and autism was discredited and its author had his licence to practise as a doctor removed.
Since his flawed publication, there has been lots of scientific evidence to prove that MMR does not cause autism.
It is a bit disappointing to see perfectly correct recommendations follow a piece riddled with errors. Hopefully, the inaccurate ideas about imported measles and treatment options for complications won't stick, while immunisation recommendations will.


  1. Now here's some real pictures of the measles rash:

    And, here is the World Health Organization Fact Sheet on measles:

    Great *treatment* of this Sun article, Catherina.

  2. sorry Catherina! Immunisation recommendations are not sticking. People are waking up, and asking question and are saying NO THANKS. Really, it is true. I promise you, there is a huge awakening happening - it will eventually penetrate your vax friendly ilk too! give it time, give it time :-D

    1. the next thing that is going to happen, drunk waffler, is that a child is going to die in the UK (totally preventably, I might add) and then people are really going to wake up to the nonsense of the likes of you...

    2. Waking up to what? Spoon-fed nonsense on the internet? I am unimpressed.

  3. Replies
    1. Should have taken a screenshot - that blog is gone already (after a couple of tweets and a comment).

  4. But it would be accurate to say you offer evidence free mocking for no apparent reason. This is what is known as being a troll.

    So, please do something new and original and actually provide some actual scientific evidence. If you have a better way to prevent measles then share. If you have evidence that the MMR vaccine presently used in the UK is more dangerous than measles, then provide the title, journal and date of the PubMed indexed paper to support your statement.

  5. Chris - do not engage the toxic troll. You are not going to get a properly sourced statement out of them anyway.

  6. Is the vaccine safe? Yes. The original paper suggesting a link between MMR and autism was discredited and its author had his licence to practise as a doctor removed.
    Since his flawed publication, there has been lots of scientific evidence to prove that MMR does not cause autism.

    come on Catherina. anti-vaxxers are not just concerned about autism. that is so lame and weak that you have to continually bring up the whole wakefield issue. Please tell me, have they concluded that vaccines don't cause neurological disorders or other any of the other growing list of maladies facing children today?

    1. Take that up with The Sun, Anon, it is a citation. And no, there is no indication that the "maladies" that children face today were caused by MMR.

    2. Part of the problem is your growing list of maladies is pretty much a fairy tale. Allergies and autoimmune disorders have a strong and positive correlation to all public health and sanitation measures. Every time we change our environment there are unexpected consequences. Scientists are heavily working on this line of research and hopefully will come up with a solution. In the meantime could you possibly believe the alternative is better? There is strong evidence to say that it is not. Other than that, the other problems faced are mostly due to fat storage disorders. I think it is pretty obvious what causes them and it is not vaccines or toxins.

  7. Ah, perhaps you should lay off the drunk remarks yourself troll. If you had a couple of neurons to rub together you would hope for sustained vaccine uptake to protect your precious little snowflakes.

    Sadly Catherina is right; when intentionally unvaccinated children start suffering more complications and dying, you and your comrades won't be so smug any more and will be running to their paeds' for jabs.

  8. Please tell me, have they concluded that vaccines don't cause neurological disorders or other any of the other growing list of maladies facing children today?

    Concluded? How do you do that without testing every single person in the world? The preponderance of evidence is that vaccines don't cause whatever maladies you have your knickers in a twist about. I'd be more concerned with obesity, lack of exercise and over-cleanliness if I were you. Those are factors which are contributing to diabetes, allergies and so-forth.

  9. You are correct, Catherina, I should not engage her. It was mostly to point out the lack of substance in her evidence free comments.

    PZ Myers linked to this story: If only... Enjoy.

  10. Heh Chris, if only that's how it would work.

  11. Mindless rambling and copypasta of anon moved to spam, where every subsequent content-less or cloned comment will go.

  12. I have had the pleasure (if that's the right word) of seeing measles, mumps and chickenpox in the flesh. I've not only had them myself, which was normal for those of us born before vaccinations were available, I was out in practice before vaccinations were...etc. I hope those are visual memory skills that won't be called upon again.

  13. It is very interesting that you treat an actual story of my neighbors 6 month old baby girl, who is suffering from her 3rd fever following vaccinations and who is now dealing with an ear infection, as Spam. She cried for four hours straight in the middle of the night and her parents felt completely and utterly helpless. These and other problems are significantly avoided by choosing to not disrupt a small babies immune system with vaccines! Give them a chance to develop their own strong immune systems. The human body is truly amazing, and has the ability to heal itself given the proper environment.

    Today, babies are plagued with chronic health problems at an unprecedented rate. Repeated ear infections, excema, asthma, and chronic congestion from allergies and sinusitis are rampant problems that never existed at these paces in the past. All of these symptoms occur as a result of an immune system imbalance. These problems can and should be cured through proper diet, nutritional support, and appropriate holistic medical care.

    I recommend getting a copy of: the holistic baby guide by Randall Neustaedter, OMD. This guide is based on the cumulative experience of the holistic pediatric community of providers and the nutritional information is based on scientific inquiry.

    Sullivan the poopy comment....Allergies and autoimmune disorders have a strong and positive correlation to all public health and sanitation measures. Every time we change our environment there are unexpected consequences.

    Would it ever occur to you that piling up the vaccines into a tiny baby would CERTAINLY change the environment of his immune system? I would attest that my neighbor is experiencing this with great pain, as their daughter continues to have issues. They ask, how is it that my son has continued to avoid them. To refresh your memory, my son was born with a birth defect, and had to have 3 surgeries to fix it by his 3rd month birthday. Babies are resilient, and his ability to heal. He went through them all with great strength and the doctors were amazing, and we are supremely grateful. We gave him the best environment by skipping every recommended vaccine, and he is super healthy and in the 95 percentile for height and weight.

    Holistic pediatrics represents cutting-edge science that treats illness in children with an inclusive perspective, addressing genetic predispositions, the underlying causes of imbalance, and the symptoms themselves with nontoxic therapies. They are safe, gentle, and curative. Their goal is to relieve symptoms and correct the body's imbalances, bringing the baby's system into a more harmonious state of health.

    Vaccines are a choice. None of them are ideal, they can be ineffective, and they cause more problems than they cure. This is not Spam, this is my story. Do not let these ladies or any willing pediatrician bully or fear you into vaccines. Be informed, and know you can take control of your child's health.

    1. 1. How was the story treated as spam?

      2. What does it have to do with measles, since you claim the child was six months old, which is much too young for the MMR vaccine?

      3. So do I get to tell stories because my son also cried for four hours straight as an infant?

      4. Also so did my daughter when she was six months old because she had chicken pox!

      5. You provide no real scientific documentation other that telling us to by a book by someone with dubious credentials....

      ... oh, wait, that does make spam.

    2. I moved that post into spam, because it was. An anecdote followed by a rant...

  14. Randall Neustaedter: "Dr. Neustaedter graduated from the University of California at Berkeley in 1971 with a major in English literature and creative writing, and completed medical training at the San Francisco College of Acupuncture in 1983. His postgraduate education includes homeopathic training at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital (1972) and an Oriental medicine doctoral degree in Hong Kong (1988)."

    His OMD is an "OMG what a joke!" You actually expect us to believe that someone who majored in creative writing and tooth fairy science is doing "cutting-edge science that treats illness in children with an inclusive perspective, addressing genetic predispositions, the underlying causes of imbalance, and the symptoms themselves with nontoxic therapies."

    Well, at least it is very funny spam.

  15. Chris, I had told this story in a post on friday, along with some other info, and Catherina moved it to spam. Please, share your stories if it makes you feel better. It feels good to perhaps make other parents know that they are not alone, if they are questioning vaccines.

    1. I've shared my stories to emphasize how there is real harm from the actual diseases. My son ended being taken by ambulance to the hospital due to a now vaccine preventable diseases.

      And did you miss that my six month old cried for at least four hours at a stretch because of the pain she had from chicken pox? That was not just one night, that was every day and every night for at least ten days. Do you think it is fun having a six month old baby covered in dozens of itchy open pox?

      Did you actually notice I was questioning you?

      Speaking of stories to make you feel better, when your child is older get some Roald Dahl books. You have probably heard of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Well, be sure to get The BFG, and read who it is dedicated to. He also wrote about her in this story.

  16. his approach makes a hell of lot more sense than the recommended vaccine schedule "one lists fits all" regardless of their lot in life. some babies can handle it, some can not! and others may feel the pain down the road with other mysterious maladies! How awful, my colleagues 24 year old daughter developed epeleptic seizures that landed her in and out of the hospital for 6 months! she had received every recommended vaccine and flu vaccine on the list. Hmmmm....

    1. Mr. Neustaedter has no real medical education, and his approach is pure nonsense. If the approach to make children vulnerable to measles, then that is pure evil

      Lots of people get seizures. People had seizures before vaccines, like my son had as newborn. So what caused his "mysterious malady" when he was two days old? (before there was a HepB vaccine). Seizures are also common with measles. So before you bring them up again, present some actual scientific evidence that seizures are caused by the MMR more often than with measles.

      What caused his heart muscle to grow abnormally when he was a teenager? What caused that "mysterious malady" which required surgery a few months ago? Are you now going to claim vaccines cause obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?

      How would Mr. Mr. Neustaedter treat seizures and genetic heart anomalies? Would he poke them with acupuncture needles? Or make them drink possibly toxic herbal nostrums?

      No, dear brave anonymous: he is a joke.

      And the reason Catherina put your comment in the spam queue was because it was off topic and promoting fairy tale nonsense. You continuing to not understand basic English is making you look even more foolish.

  17. It is "interesting" that I "Googled" one of Anonymous's last remarks...

    "Holistic pediatrics represents cutting-edge science that treats illness in children with an inclusive perspective, addressing genetic predispositions, the underlying causes of imbalance, and the symptoms themselves with nontoxic therapies. They are safe, gentle, and curative. Their goal is to relieve symptoms and correct the body's imbalances, bringing the baby's system into a more harmonious state of health."

    Here's the source, verbatim, for that last statement:

    And, here's the author, Dr. Len Saputo's website

    Dr. Saputo's website, his *theories* about health maintenance, his gibberish about *boasting* the immune system, his disparaging of vaccines and, ESPECIALLY the hawking of supplements on his web pages remind me of Dr. Joe Mercola's prosperous internet business.

    So what's the deal "Anonymous"?

    Are you Dr. Len Saputo? Do you work for Dr. Saputo and derive your income from Dr. Saputo's business model?

    Perhaps you are just a plagiarizing crank. I despise plagiarizing cranks of doctors who hawk their pseudoscience and their ware to credulous consumers.

  18. you forget, that medicine has its place for us non-vaxxers. My son had wonderful restorative surgeries. Treat problems, STOP causing them!

    1. Actually, your son is at more risk later one for worse issues. Some of the diseases we vaccinate for tend to damage surgical scar tissue even more.

      We are not causing any of your son's issues. You are. You are demonstrating a lack of basic literacy, and peddling nonsense. This is especially evident when you cut and paste stuff without telling who it is from (also known as plagiarism), and you are posting stuff that has nothing to do with the article (which is a form of trolling). Plus you seemed to think my "story" was a vaccine reaction, not about the actual disease.

      We cannot trust you or your stories.

      Here is a hint: if a medical practitioner sells supplements, then they are not to be trusted.

  19. No my little investigative Lilady. I took it straight from the book, I noted. Perhaps, Dr. Randall Neustaedter shares the same beliefs as Dr Saputo or vice versus. All the better! :O)

    You guys just can't handle the truth. Dr Mercola has nothing to do with my beliefs. I have never bought one of his products. He does have a lot of good advice on his site, I will say. More and more people are exposing the harrowing truth behind vaccines and other bad pharma!

    1. So what? You are still peddling nonsense and lack basic literacy skills.

      You do not understand that you cut and pasted the quote without changing it and did not note where it was from. That is plagiarism.

  20. i have quoted all of my sources. I cant help if you can not connect the dots. I know your son was not vaccinated... but he was born from parents who were. Did your wife have a flu vaccine when he she was pregnant. I am also not saying all bad things come from vaccines silly. of course they do not. Why add to the list with more trouble from foreign substances. and why, one of you pleae answer this: why do they keep increasing the number of vaccines??? Why? I did not hear your answer? oh, because people like you are stupid enough to agree to them!

    1. Anon - you make no sense - on the one hand you are saying not all things come from vaccines, on the other, you are bringing up the idea that vaccines parents got could have something to do with adverse events in the child.

      The number of vaccines is increased because we don't want our children to be sick. Contrary to our greatgrandparents, we don't want to have many kids, so some grow to adulthood, we want to bear exactly the number of kids we want to have and we want them all to survive and live happy and healthy lives. We enjoy going to the playground with our children rather than keeping them inside, cleaning poop out of their poxy bottoms. We want them to hear and see and not lose their senses to viruses that attack the nervous system. We want them to breathe freely and not cough their lungs out with pertussis. It is as easy as that.

    2. No, you still are showing a lack of literacy. You did not properly reference them, nor actually show they were quotes. That paragraph was not put into italics, nor was it surrounded by these: " .... That is how you demonstrate a lack of English literacy, if you cannot show how to properly quote, with a reference to the original author.

      Excuse me, now you are trying to make up excuses why my son would have had neonatal seizures? No I did not have the flu vaccine, it was not given out routinely. Nor did I have an epidural.

      So stop with the victim blaming. You simply do not understand that seizures without any known reason are common. And they occur with actual diseases than any vaccine.

      The reason they increase the number of vaccines is because there are diseases that harm, disable and kill people. It is just that it took longer to create the vaccines. Some vaccines are no longer used because they are no longer needed like smallpox, and couple I have received due to living overseas: typhus and typhoid.

      The Hib vaccine has saved thousands of lives. I wish my kids could have skipped chicken pox, but they got it a year before the vaccine.

      It is how science progresses. Something you don't seem to know much about.

    3. Correction/clarification: And they occur with actual diseases more than with any vaccine.

      I would really love to see what scientific literature says the MMR causes more seizures than measles. So, next time, dear brave anonymous, bring on the title, date and journal of the PubMed indexed paper to show the MMR causes more seizures. Something like:

      The Clinical Significance of Measles: A Review

      Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006 Sep;25(9):768-73.
      Encephalopathy after whole-cell pertussis or measles vaccination: lack of evidence for a causal association in a retrospective case-control study.

      Vaccine. 2012 Jan 5;30(2):247-53.
      Lack of association between childhood immunizations and encephalitis in California, 1998-2008.

  21. I am using sorces that I mention. How is that plagiarism. Lilady... the original place these words came from were straight from a website where you can purchase the book. It actually gives you a few pages of the book right here on the internet. They do not allow you to copy and paste, so my magical fast fingers actually took the time to retype it here, because I left my copy at home and wanted to share. Now for those of you who are interested in picking up a copy, here is the direct link:


    1. You did not put quotes around the paragraph, and at no time indicated what you were quoting.

      You have been told this at least three times.

      Though now it seems you are showing that Mr. Neustaedter was the original plagiarist... or the other guy was. The folks who peddle fairy tale science are very original, nor honest.

  22. you dont make any sense Catherina? why is giving more vaccines the answer? even just looking at the past 30 years. Why are there so many more vaccines today. Why are there so many more auto immune disorders today? how is giving more vaccines making our children safer?

    1. Because there are diseases that still main and kill children, like haemophilus influenzae type b.

      Science continues to save children. And there is no evidence that autoimmune diseases are due to vaccines:

      Pediatrics. 2007 Nov;120(5):e1269-77.
      Is childhood vaccination associated with asthma? A meta-analysis of observational studies.

      Pediatrics. 2001 Dec;108(6):E112
      Childhood vaccinations, vaccination timing, and risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

      Pediatrics Vol. 126 No. 2 August 1, 2010 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2009-1496)
      Lack of Association Between Acellular Pertussis Vaccine and Seizures in Early Childhood

      Vaccine. 2012 Jan 5;30(2):247-53.
      Lack of association between childhood immunizations and encephalitis in California, 1998-2008.

    2. 30 years ago, the infant mortality in Germany (only West) was 10'000 per year. Now, the infant mortality in the whole of Germany is under 2'000 per year. We are doing something right.

    3. I have seen the statement "rise in autoimmune diseases" several times now, but I don't know where it comes from. Where is the information that shows autoimmune disease rising?


    If you have lingering doubts about vaccines...

    1. Anthrax, smallpox, typhoid? Holy moly Anon - what *are* you recommending here?

    2. It is what you can expect from something called the "Homeopathic Educational Services." The title page even says that it is not intended for medical advice.

      Again, she is showing that the author is a colossal joke.

  24. yes catherina... we are doing lots right. The advancements in "fixing" problems like my sons issues is one of the things we are doing right! 30 years ago, without life saving surgery, he may not have survived! bravo modern medicine. There is a time and a place for it.

    1. The question is: are you fully following the post surgical instructions?

  25. yes, why? I was told to avoid rice cereal by the surgeon because it could cause constipation issues. I nursed as long as I could keep up with it, and now he is eating a variety of food, and his main source of milk is raw goats milk from a trusted farm near my parents house. They told me after his 6 month visit, 3 months after the last surgery, that they do not need to see him until he truns a year. They were most pleased with his recovery.

    1. I don't believe you. Especially the not being wary of possible infections by having raw milk, and getting vaccinated. You have not really been a vanguard of honesty, or literacy.

      Remember, I have a child who has had major surgery recently. I know what is involved in post-surgical instructions.

  26. You don't believe me? Please explain your accusations. I went to all of my post surgery appointments, which was about every 2 weeks until he turned 6 months.
    What do you NOT know about raw milk? If you are looking for answers, check out these sites.

    I drink it because that is how I was raised, it tastes great and I wholeheartedly believe it is healthier.
    "This stuff the dairy industry is passing off as milk, claiming it gives you strong bones, is not good for you. According to Dr. Spreen of the Health Science Institute, in his opinion, pasteurized, homogenized milk does not even qualify as food."

    There are many people drinking raw milk here in america.

    I did not know about your child and am sincerely sorry that you had to endure that. I know it is no picnic to see your child go through surgery.

  27. oh, and I take my baby to his regular well baby check - up visits, and I do follow my paed's recommendations. And no, I do not go to Dr. Eisenstein as someone previously assumed.

  28. I am curious to know what is involved in your child's post surgery instructions, and what is leading you to surmise that I am not a vanguard of honesty?

    1. Antibiotics before dental procedures like cleaning, and yearly influenza vaccines. I was told that infections like to latch onto scar tissue, especially in the heart.

      I can't believe any pediatrician would not encourage to have your child fully vaccinated, especially against rotavirus, or not tell you about risks from E-coli infection from raw milk. That makes no sense.

      But since we have learned to not believe you, it really does not matter what you say. Especially when you keep posting biased unscientific websites as "proof."

  29. That is how shallow your trust in the body's ability to heal itself. My son endured each surgery with major success, not having a single setback. He was in the hospital for 15 days in total for 3 surgeries. He is a perfect example of how the body can heal. He had a fixable birth defect, and flourished through it all. There was mention of heb b, and I politely declined. My paed first saw my son when he was 11 days old. I told him my beliefs on vaccines, and that was the end of discussion. There was no fear or scare tactics applied. I want to note that he is the pediatrician in the practice who specializes in seeing children who had to have any type of surgery at birth. He applauded me on my breast-feeding success, given the fact that I busted my butt pumping for the first 6 days of his life while he was unable to eat, and we were lucky to persevere through such a rough start for both of us. I also had to have a c-section, because my water broke, and we discovered he turned breach in the last couple weeks of my pregnancy. Again, I praise modern medicine, knowing there is a time and a place for a c-section. When I told him about giving him raw milk, he was impressed that I found a place to sell it to me, and said it is the absolute next best thing to feed my son in lieu of breast milk. I think you can take your disbelief and stick it where the sun does not shine, because it is the truth. This is not unscientific stuff here, it is called real life. You are naive to belief otherwise, or perhaps just an angry, bitter woman.

  30. I am confident that my son is going to continue to be healthy, intelligent, kind and well adjusted. I certainly don't need your approval. We are defined by how we place our attention, and you are placing and promoting yours on unhealthy practices. Maybe that is why you can not believe my statements. They are so foreign to the "koolaid" cocktails that you and your cohorts consume in copious amounts. I have had my fun here, and will no longer continue to be a spot of bother to you gals. I do want to wish you health and happiness, and leave you with a thought..... You will never know how much healthier your children could be sans vaccines.

  31. Still see no reason to believe you based on your posting history.

  32. what don't you believe?

    1. Everything you say. Your history of posts show a severe lack of literacy and veracity, often during your off topic spamming rants.

      Only you can remedy that by sticking to real verifiable sources that the MMR vaccine is worse than measles and not those that have a history of: skewing science, shifting hypotheses, censoring dissent, and attacking critics; also discussed are frequently made claims such as not being "anti-vaccine" but "pro-safe vaccines", that vaccines are toxic or unnatural, and more. Recognizing disingenuous claims made by the anti-vaccination movement is essential in order to critically evaluate the information and misinformation encountered online.

  33. A child can be healthy without any vaccines?
    A licensed doctor does not push vaccines?
    I am living my life without fear?
    or what? please tell.

    It is true, and I know that I am not special. I am simply taking responsiblity for my child's health and there are many more people choosing this route.

  34. There's never a reason to believe anything that "Anonymous" states...they are just the opinions of an ignorant individual who *believes* that all the anti-vaccine sites, all the *natural medicine* and *natural food* sites she visits, provides her with accurate information.

    Here, she goes off topic with her post about raw goat milk...another example of her using her child as a lab rat to test her *theories*.

    Here you go Anonymous,

    Now suck it up and stay on topic about the measles vaccine.

  35. Lilady, lil darling, who can not follow a conversation very well... My raw goat milk was in response to Chris's disbelief. her comment was -

    I can't believe any pediatrician would not encourage to have your child fully vaccinated, especially against rotavirus, or not tell you about risks from E-coli infection from raw milk. That makes no sense.

    I was responding to her inability to make sense of how I am giving my child a healthy start. Yes, conversations on measles can and do lead to other topics. Go ahead and take your advice from the CDC. I will wish you good luck, and feel sorry for your children.
    What kind of an insensitive person are you to compare any child to a lab rat. Again, wishing you health and happiness!

    again, for anyone seriously interested in giving their baby a healthy alternative to commercial formula.

    1. Again, not a legitimate citation. More of an uneducated anecdote from someone with a fairy tale degree (big difference between "Certified Nutritionist" and a real dietician).

      So, really, there is no reason to believe you.

  36. I care little if you believe me. This information may prove to be useful to you or someone else one day, when the CDC fails to answer questions with your precious cargo in the event that something goes awry. It is good to know you looked up Annika. Her story speaks volumes, as does mine. If you rely on your paed to give you insightful tips on dietary recommedations, know that they only spend 1 hour in medical school studying nutrition. I will gladly accept Annika's fairytale degree and success. No vaccines, drinking raw milk, not buying into the nutritional info created by the big money driven companies who make infant formula and kids cereals. We both have children who are thriving and healthy. Read a couple of the testimonials and see how she has helped changed the health of many who were looking for answers when mainstream failed them.

  37. Sticking to the off-subject of raw milk, need to make a big note here to LILADY who tried to get me to look at CDC recommendations on raw milk - hahahaha.... no thanks!

    *CDC CHERRY PICKS DATA TO MAKE CASE AGAINST RAW MILK and they ignore data that shows dangers of pasteurized milk.

    hmmm... Harvard Raw milk debate here

    1. Youtube videos are not real citations. We still have no reason to believe you. And absolutely no reason to believe "Annika."

  38. YouTube citations and a "debate" about raw goat milk? Surely, you are kidding, anonymous.

    Why not stick to the topic of this blog?

    Why are you experimenting with your child's health by denying that child protection from serious, often deadly, vaccine-preventable diseases? Why are you giving your child raw goat's milk, thus further putting your child at risk for disabling and deadly diseases?

    Just keep digging yourself in deeper into the pile of horse sh*t you inhabit, anonymous...we are all enjoying your ignorance.

    1. She also had the gall to expect us to sit through a video that is over 90 minutes long! If I am going to watch a video it had better be a very good movie. Not a bunch of law students, lawyers and general public at a debate.
