Like several other outlets, Channel Nine News reported
the story of Ben Hammond, a Western Australian father of five, who came
down with a debilitating episode of what is purported to be ADEM after a
whooping cough booster. Now the Northern Rivers Vaccination Supporters have written an Open Letter to Channel Nine, which I am reposting here with kind permission, since it is, in contrast to Channel Nine's piece, evidence based and factual and important.
A news story that aired nationally on 2nd and 3rd June, 2014 on the Channel Nine News network and the Today Show was inaccurate and grossly irresponsible.
The story featured Perth father Ben Hammond, who received a Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis booster, and became seriously ill eleven days afterwards. Ben’s condition was said to be ADEM (Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis), a rare auto immune condition. This disease lead to Ben becoming quadriplegic for several months.
First of all, we wish to express our sorrow and sympathy for everything this man and his family have been through. By all accounts they have suffered a great deal physically, emotionally, and financially.
We are not writing to challenge or diminish what has happened to the Hammonds. This family deserves the support and generosity of the public to help them get back on their feet. We support a full investigation into the cause of his illness, so there is transparency on the facts of whether the vaccine caused it and the risks.
However the story breaches the Australian Communications and Media Authority Code of Practice (1):
• Section 4.3.1: The article was not factual or accurate and did not represent
viewpoints fairly. It did not state:
o How rarely, if ever, it has been shown that ADEM can be
caused by vaccination
o Any evidence to support this allegation
o Why adults require the Whooping Cough (pertussis)
o The relative risk to babies of whooping cough, versus
the risk of the alleged vaccine reaction
• Section 4.3.2: It could cause public panic about vaccines and place
newborn babies at risk
Why adults require Whooping cough boosters:
The Hammonds were offered a free booster during the time that Australia was experiencing the world’s largest Whooping Cough epidemic. This peaked at 38,500 cases in 2011. In response to thousands of babies being hospitalised and tragically over ten babies dying nationally, State governments have distributed millions of doses of the vaccine for free to new parents since 2009. Without the program, the number of grieving families would have been significantly higher.
Our group includes families whose babies have died from Whooping Cough, and who have worked hard to raise awareness of the need for adult boosters. This has saved lives, particularly of vulnerable premature babies.
Adults need a booster because of waning immunity, this happens both after the vaccine, and following ‘natural’ infection. Recent research has shown that this can occur as quickly as after four years(2). Unfortunately, nationally, less that 12% of adults have had a Whooping Cough booster (3). This means if there is an outbreak, an adult is susceptible to catching the disease, and passing it on to others. For most adults, this causes an irritating coughing illness that can last for months and lead to rib fractures and pneumonia; in young infants it can be deadly. Babies cannot have their first dose of protective vaccine until they are 6 weeks to 2 months old, so these very young babies must rely on adults being up-to-date with their boosters to be protected (4).
Risk of whooping cough to babies:
The story did not state the relative risk of acquiring ADEM after a vaccination, when compared to the risk of a baby catching whooping cough.
• Nearly all babies that catch whooping cough require care in hospital.
• It tragically proves fatal in 1 in 200 who catch it (5).
• There is no cure for whooping cough. Babies face months of disease, and once it takes hold, the only treatment is supportive, with oxygen, and for critical cases, ventilation and ECMO (life support that, at best, also carries a very high mortality) (6).
Thankfully new research has shown that if a woman gets vaccinated when pregnant, this may halve the risk of the baby catching whooping cough (7). However, we are concerned your program will negatively impact on the uptake of this vital public health measure.
The facts about ADEM:
The news story should have featured a medical expert, to provide some facts about ADEM. Without the context of how rarely ADEM occurs after a vaccination, this omission could greatly damage public confidence in the vaccination program.
The alarmist headlines used such as “Routine vaccination almost fatal” “Vaccine danger” “Man becomes quadriplegic following routine vaccination” “One shot left him crippled” “Destroyed his life” and “Vaccination nightmare” were not counterbalanced with any information portraying the real-life risk of developing ADEM. Instead, we were solely given the Hammonds' own assertion of it’s cause.
ADEM may or may not be associated with some vaccines. We know that it occurs at such an extremely low rate it is impossible to determine causality with any scientific accuracy.
Indeed it is so rare the risk is something like 8 out of 1 million risk to the general population. Out of those cases, less than 5% follow immunisation, and it is much more likely to follow infection by one of the vaccine preventable diseases (8). There are many common and not-so-common bacteria and viruses that induce ADEM at much higher rates than those associated with vaccination.
The only vaccine proven to induce ADEM is the Semple form of the rabies vaccine. Other vaccines have all been implicated, most commonly the MMR vaccine, but the majority of the studies that correlate vaccination with ADEM onset use small samples or case studies (because there are so few cases to begin with). Large scale epidemiological studies have not shown an increased risk of ADEM following vaccination.
Also misleading was the implication Mr Hammond had “no immune system" and “no kidney or liver function” from the vaccine. ADEM should not cause organ dysfunction or immune suppression (although medication used to treat it can), and the paralysis it causes is usually temporary.
We take vaccine safety and transparency about that safety very seriously, and support the Hammond's use of the media to highlight the rare possibility of adverse vaccine reactions. The family deserves respect, and privacy, and we understand their need for financial assistance. We hope Ben’s case highlights the importance of a no-fault vaccine injury compensation program in Australia, for when adverse reactions to vaccines do occur.
However, unnecessarily scaring people away from vaccination programs such as against whooping cough could deter adults from having a booster, and place vulnerable newborns at high risk. News reports regarding vaccination should be clear and balanced. They need to present the relative risks of an adverse reaction to a vaccine when compared with the risks from vaccine preventable diseases. The media’s role in public perception of healthcare, risk of disease, and vaccine safety should not be underestimated, nor the responsibility taken lightly.
2: Wendelboe, A. M., Van Rie, A., Salmaso, S., & Englund, J. A. (2005). Duration of immunity against pertussis after natural infection or vaccination. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 24(5), S58-S61
8: Huynh, W., Cordato, D. J., Kehdi, E., Masters, L. T., & Dedousis, C. (2008). Post-vaccination encephalomyelitis: literature review and illustrative case. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 15(12), 1315-1322.

A news story that aired nationally on 2nd and 3rd June, 2014 on the Channel Nine News network and the Today Show was inaccurate and grossly irresponsible.
The story featured Perth father Ben Hammond, who received a Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis booster, and became seriously ill eleven days afterwards. Ben’s condition was said to be ADEM (Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis), a rare auto immune condition. This disease lead to Ben becoming quadriplegic for several months.
First of all, we wish to express our sorrow and sympathy for everything this man and his family have been through. By all accounts they have suffered a great deal physically, emotionally, and financially.
We are not writing to challenge or diminish what has happened to the Hammonds. This family deserves the support and generosity of the public to help them get back on their feet. We support a full investigation into the cause of his illness, so there is transparency on the facts of whether the vaccine caused it and the risks.
However the story breaches the Australian Communications and Media Authority Code of Practice (1):
• Section 4.3.1: The article was not factual or accurate and did not represent
viewpoints fairly. It did not state:
o How rarely, if ever, it has been shown that ADEM can be
caused by vaccination
o Any evidence to support this allegation
o Why adults require the Whooping Cough (pertussis)
o The relative risk to babies of whooping cough, versus
the risk of the alleged vaccine reaction
• Section 4.3.2: It could cause public panic about vaccines and place
newborn babies at risk
Why adults require Whooping cough boosters:
The Hammonds were offered a free booster during the time that Australia was experiencing the world’s largest Whooping Cough epidemic. This peaked at 38,500 cases in 2011. In response to thousands of babies being hospitalised and tragically over ten babies dying nationally, State governments have distributed millions of doses of the vaccine for free to new parents since 2009. Without the program, the number of grieving families would have been significantly higher.
Our group includes families whose babies have died from Whooping Cough, and who have worked hard to raise awareness of the need for adult boosters. This has saved lives, particularly of vulnerable premature babies.
Adults need a booster because of waning immunity, this happens both after the vaccine, and following ‘natural’ infection. Recent research has shown that this can occur as quickly as after four years(2). Unfortunately, nationally, less that 12% of adults have had a Whooping Cough booster (3). This means if there is an outbreak, an adult is susceptible to catching the disease, and passing it on to others. For most adults, this causes an irritating coughing illness that can last for months and lead to rib fractures and pneumonia; in young infants it can be deadly. Babies cannot have their first dose of protective vaccine until they are 6 weeks to 2 months old, so these very young babies must rely on adults being up-to-date with their boosters to be protected (4).
Risk of whooping cough to babies:
The story did not state the relative risk of acquiring ADEM after a vaccination, when compared to the risk of a baby catching whooping cough.
• Nearly all babies that catch whooping cough require care in hospital.
• It tragically proves fatal in 1 in 200 who catch it (5).
• There is no cure for whooping cough. Babies face months of disease, and once it takes hold, the only treatment is supportive, with oxygen, and for critical cases, ventilation and ECMO (life support that, at best, also carries a very high mortality) (6).
Thankfully new research has shown that if a woman gets vaccinated when pregnant, this may halve the risk of the baby catching whooping cough (7). However, we are concerned your program will negatively impact on the uptake of this vital public health measure.
The facts about ADEM:
The news story should have featured a medical expert, to provide some facts about ADEM. Without the context of how rarely ADEM occurs after a vaccination, this omission could greatly damage public confidence in the vaccination program.
The alarmist headlines used such as “Routine vaccination almost fatal” “Vaccine danger” “Man becomes quadriplegic following routine vaccination” “One shot left him crippled” “Destroyed his life” and “Vaccination nightmare” were not counterbalanced with any information portraying the real-life risk of developing ADEM. Instead, we were solely given the Hammonds' own assertion of it’s cause.
ADEM may or may not be associated with some vaccines. We know that it occurs at such an extremely low rate it is impossible to determine causality with any scientific accuracy.
Indeed it is so rare the risk is something like 8 out of 1 million risk to the general population. Out of those cases, less than 5% follow immunisation, and it is much more likely to follow infection by one of the vaccine preventable diseases (8). There are many common and not-so-common bacteria and viruses that induce ADEM at much higher rates than those associated with vaccination.
The only vaccine proven to induce ADEM is the Semple form of the rabies vaccine. Other vaccines have all been implicated, most commonly the MMR vaccine, but the majority of the studies that correlate vaccination with ADEM onset use small samples or case studies (because there are so few cases to begin with). Large scale epidemiological studies have not shown an increased risk of ADEM following vaccination.
Also misleading was the implication Mr Hammond had “no immune system" and “no kidney or liver function” from the vaccine. ADEM should not cause organ dysfunction or immune suppression (although medication used to treat it can), and the paralysis it causes is usually temporary.
We take vaccine safety and transparency about that safety very seriously, and support the Hammond's use of the media to highlight the rare possibility of adverse vaccine reactions. The family deserves respect, and privacy, and we understand their need for financial assistance. We hope Ben’s case highlights the importance of a no-fault vaccine injury compensation program in Australia, for when adverse reactions to vaccines do occur.
However, unnecessarily scaring people away from vaccination programs such as against whooping cough could deter adults from having a booster, and place vulnerable newborns at high risk. News reports regarding vaccination should be clear and balanced. They need to present the relative risks of an adverse reaction to a vaccine when compared with the risks from vaccine preventable diseases. The media’s role in public perception of healthcare, risk of disease, and vaccine safety should not be underestimated, nor the responsibility taken lightly.
2: Wendelboe, A. M., Van Rie, A., Salmaso, S., & Englund, J. A. (2005). Duration of immunity against pertussis after natural infection or vaccination. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 24(5), S58-S61
8: Huynh, W., Cordato, D. J., Kehdi, E., Masters, L. T., & Dedousis, C. (2008). Post-vaccination encephalomyelitis: literature review and illustrative case. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 15(12), 1315-1322.
Who cares if it causes 'public panic'.... the public has a right to know vaccines CAN be harmful and make an informed decision. I am a healthcare provider and I have no hesitation in asking patients to research vaccination prior vaccinating, as they have a right to both sides of the story. Channel 9 showed one side of the story and just because that side differs to your own opinion and decision making regarding vaccination you have no right to say they breached any codes. It shouldn't take me to tell you that there have been countless stories in the media of late that show the other side without even mentioning vaccine injury and you haven't complained of the same breach in this case. You're a true case of narrow mindedness!
ReplyDeleteWho cares if it causes 'public panic'.
Deletewe do, obviously. But I note that you think that public panic is nothing to worry about and I think that is one characteristic of the anti-vaccine movement, that they are really interested in destabilising society.
you have no right to say they breached any codes
Are you a lawyer, and could you refer to the respective codes of Australian Law that prohibits The Northern Valley Vaccination Supporters from pointing to the regulations of the Australian Communications and Media Authority Code of Practice?
I am a healthcare provider and I have no hesitation in asking patients to research vaccination prior vaccinating, as they have a right to both sides of the story.
DeleteIf you are a healthcare provider and telling your "patients" (in quotes as I doubt you are in a position to actually have patients) to research vaccinations on their own then you are a sad excuse for a healthcare provider and should be kept far away from patients. There isn't both sides to this story, only one which is evidence-based and everything else is manufactured.
I really doubt that you are a health care provider with a medical license or an advanced practice nursing license.
DeleteDid you actually read Catherina's post and open up the excellent links she provided? I doubt it.
It would be bad enough if "both sides" were presented as having equal weight...i.e. false equivalence. In this instance, we have a patient's anecdotal story of his ADEM diagnosis which he associates with a Diphtheria/Tetanus/Booster-versus-a qualified physician's presentation of the body of research and epidemiological evidence about the onset of ADEM. That was not the case.
It was a human interest story, poorly researched by journalists which turned out to be an opportunity for crank anti-vaccinationists (Meryl Dorey), to come out publicly to spread their unscientific views of vaccines.
hi !
Deleteyou are right there !
the doctors did the same thing with me I got GBS CIDP after flu shot
people should know
wish my doctor told me to research what can happen if things go wrong with any vaccination
Deletenow I know when I spend 6 month in hospital
and 2 month in rehab
people should know YES!
I see that Catherina's response did not quote "Her" qualifications, although she demands them of you.
DeleteQuite typical ad hominem approach by the otherwise uneducated.
I like the usage of loose statistics, such as "thouhsands", and "tens", followed by "1 in 200" which is certainly much more specific.
To suggest that TCM is effective would be to suggest that one of, if not the oldest civilisation on earth would show some evidence of it's effectiveness.
DeleteOhhh, come to think of it, they have the largest population on earth of any single nation and had to resort to measures to prevent overpopulation. That is one very very large anecdotal indication that perhaps something of their "medicine" actually works.
And no, I have never in my life been treated with, nor support TCM, but I have a mind. And I am not chinese, nor asian.
I think "You won't bother "getting into it with Science Mom and Catherina" because you know we'll hold your feet to the flame." is an obviously overstated opinion of your poor little self personally.
DeleteI have done an awful lot of scientific, as opposed to, medical, research in my day and I can assure you, cherry picking the papers you wish to quote is now the order of the day. In fact, some papers are simply refused publication due to the influence of certain powerful interest groups, which are almost always corporate.
In fact, corporations have been buying up scientific publications now for some years.
Let us not forget the tobacco industries methods of obfuscating credible and accurate argument for so many years.
Of course, I doubt very much that you have researched "corruption" of scientific material, and dissenting material yourself.
For your arguments to hold you must limit them to a narrow band, and dismiss other other evidence as anecdotal. Interestingly enough, people go to the gas chamber daily on the strength of anecdotal evidence, but I doubt you have the capacity to understand what that really means in the big picture. Eye witness testimony is by this definition "anecdotal".
Good luck with this one.
Anon - you are necromancing.
DeleteAnd being blindly stupid as well.
Delete"Let us not forget the tobacco industries methods of obfuscating credible and accurate argument for so many years."
Yep. One of the "doctors" who worked for tobacco companies later found it in her interest to support the bogus vaccine-autism link. Weird, isn't it?
Meanwhile, a serious question - why do the pro-health blogs like this one allow you to make your silly posts, while the antivaxxers censor parents who don't follow the party line?
I thought this was an anti vax site?
DeleteRead Catherina's entire post and her comments.
DeleteIgnore the trolls.
"Meanwhile, a serious question - why do the pro-health blogs like this one allow you to make your silly posts, while the antivaxxers censor parents who don't follow the party line?"
DeleteYour frothing again I see. You have supporting evidence for this? As Chris would say, And I quote;
"Please support that statement with PubMed indexed studies by qualified reputable researchers."
I, and everyone else that bothers with this site, are awaiting your considered reply.
"Yep. One of the "doctors" who worked for tobacco companies later found it in her interest to support the bogus vaccine-autism link. Weird, isn't it?"
DeleteAnother blathering and unsupported statement.
Sorry for the delay: I didn't realize that you weren't aware that Dr. Bernadine Healy worked for Philip Morris's "The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition" - a pro-tobacco research group before she was named the "Age of Autism" (antivax site) "Person of the Year."
DeleteI work in pathology, I tested those kids in 2010/11, biggest whooping cough outbreak....... Reality? 100% of the kids with whooping cough were fully vaccinated. ALL AGED 6-12> OBVIOUS VACCINE FAILURE. The old vaccine lasted for life,,,,,,,,, no pertussis for 50 years? 15 years after new one, 100% vaccine failures in the kids aged 6-12. justthevax for gods sake, read the FDA report of 2013 direct quote """""" individuals immunized with an acellular pertussis vaccine may be protected from disease, they may still become infected with the bacteria without always getting sick and are able to spread infection to others, including young infants who are susceptible to pertussis disease."""" Yes THOSE VACCINATED, WITHOUT SYMPTOMS, THE ONES THAT DIDNT BREAK OUT WITH WHOOPING COUGH, AGED 6-16 WERE CARRIERS, NO SIGNS OF ILLLNESS............. 2009, an Australian nurse, fully vaccinated, no symptoms, infected four newborn babies.......... Mothers vaccinated, can give their own baby pertussis, without even knowing it, the only thing they cant do, is pass the REAL antibodies to their infant in breastmilk, or maternal antibodies............ who the hell pays you to write this rubbish blog, woman, get educated! The vaccine is causing massive outbreaks, everywhere, even in 100% vaccinated populations. IT IS CAUSING BABY DEATHS.............. now they jabbing mothers, it is causing late term miscarriages, and deformities, damn 3,000 deformed babies in Brazil already! Oh, was a mosquito, yeah mr Zika the hypodermic!
DeleteFACTS acellular vaccine. At full vaccination 8 out of 10 are vaccine immune. At 5 years only 3 are still vaccine immune (during this time they can still be infected, merely carrying the disease in their throats, for 8 weeks... EACH TIME THEY GET RE INFECTED). After 10 years (thank god), they can no longer be symtomless carriers, as the vaccine fails in EVERYONE after 10 years.
DeleteAngela, sweeping the floors in a building is not "working in pathology". 100% were not fully vaccinated. We are aware that DTaP, being a toxoid vaccine does not prevent infection, we've been discussing that for years regarding the need for a better vaccine. You're not shedding any new light with your incoherent rantings. Very little maternal antibodies to pertussis can be found in breastmilk incidentally. The rest of your comments are too incoherent to suss out.
Delete"The old vaccine lasted for life,,,,,,,,,"
DeleteNo, it did not. Not even the immunity you would develop following an actual pertussis infection last is life long.
All this talk about 'Are you a lawyer ...' blah blah - I am ignorant when it comes to the subject of Whooping Cough - oh yes you are I would have to agree - along with the majority of biomedicine zombies and their minions - FYI - If you or your baby catch Whooping Cough (usually from a recently vaccinated person mind you) - go to any decent TCM Practitioner - 24 to 48 hours and no more Whooping Cough - oh dear - and no toxic side effects - oh dear - haven't we been pushing poison as the only way to remedy something that can be done simply with another type of treatment - yes I know - sorry for the lower side of the humour IQ but really - I am just so sick and tired of the - either ignorance or corruption - any old how just keep that in mind if you or someone you knows catches Whooping Cough - TCM!! (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - yes the one that has been around for over 6000 years
ReplyDeleteWell said anonymous. We are constantly bombarded in the media of the pro vaccine side, to be totally honest, im suprised channel nine aired this and weren't shut down. Have we forgotten that we live in a democracy.. ?
DeleteThere are hundreds of reported adverse affects we dont hear about in the media , and many that aren't reported. Can your doctor guarantee 100% that vaccines are safe ? I have asked many doctors if they know what ingredients are in vaccines and they dont know. Its junk science, its tobacco science.
And what is your evidence for TCM eliminating pertussis in 24-48 hours?
DeleteFYI - If you or your baby catch Whooping Cough (usually from a recently vaccinated person mind you) - go to any decent TCM Practitioner - 24 to 48 hours and no more Whooping Cough -
DeleteOne can only hope that you aren't actually in a position to care for anyone else. Why "recently vaccinated"? How do they infect others? What kind of "TCM"? You do know that TCM was completely made up to fill voids in the Chinese healthcare system right? Where are any studies of efficacy for curing pertussis?
If you or your baby catch Whooping Cough (usually from a recently vaccinated person mind you)
Deletewhat nonsense. DTaP doesn't shed.
TCM is more like 65 years old
Reply to Todd W. I won't bother getting into it with Science Mom & Catherine because they are obviously soooooo bright - oh dear - are you both TCM Practitioners - oh TCM must have filled the voids inthe Chinese Health Care System - (really I re-read what I wrote - I don't think I said that ?.................................... well to answer you Todd -> 5 out of 5 subjects from the same family - ranging from 6 months old to 30 years old - after couple of months of being told where to go and to bad so sad from the biomedicine community for not immunising oh sorry I mean vaccinating this poor family was finally helped by a TCM Practitioner - 24 hours later - no sign of WC for 4 of them and an increase in dose saw the 5th with no sign after another day - so - whilst this may be viewed as anecdotal and not worthy of being factual by the brainwashed bio community - it speaks louder to me than the supposed evidence based vaccinations - don't get me wrong I am always looking at these individually and looking at the numbers - but Whooping Cough - whilst an aweful infliction (especially when not supplied with the remedy - either through ignorance of one actually working or just plain corruption) is only being used as one of the groups scare tactics - it is quite effective given the adverse outcomes in some areas - but it does not have to be :/ - in the end it should be about keeping everyone as healthy and happy as possible - right ?
DeleteYou won't bother "getting into it with Science Mom and Catherina" because you know we'll hold your feet to the flame. You call that evidence? Some rectally-sourced anecdote at best? What about a published case report with pertussis testing? History? TCM used? Don't hold your breath for Todd to be very impressed.
DeleteWell if you continue to keep for head buried up big Pharma's 'you know what' and stay blind to real healing then let it be so - enjoy the stench - for anyone else that ever finds themselves or someone they love in a similar position - at least try that avenue as the other will probably get you the same attitude as science mom and no help - good luck
DeleteWhat are you talking about? You cannot get pertussis from a recently vaccinated person unless they have an active pertussis infection. Just like you cannot get pertussis from an unvaccinated person unless they have an active pertussis infection. Anything useful from ancient chinese medicine is now just medicine since science had quite a bit of time to get a look at it. Calling a cold whooping cough doesn't change the facts.
DeleteWell if you continue to keep for head buried up big Pharma's 'you know what'
DeleteIt's precisely this kind of churlish "pharma shill" accusation that anti-vaxxers have to fall back on because they have no facts. Truth is TCM-loving anon, I don't care at all for some of the business practices of pharma and my family uses medicines very sparingly. My then baby did have pertussis at 3 months old and there's no damn way I'd ever resort to some magical thinking to treat him. And if anyone ever did watch their baby gasp for breath and used "TCM" then they are an abusive ditchpig.
OMG Catharina and Sciene Mom, your quotes ""If you or your baby catch Whooping Cough (usually from a recently vaccinated person mind you)
Deletewhat nonsense. DTaP doesn't shed.""" NO, but those vaccinated, CAN AND DO CATCH IT, NO SYMPTOMS, AND SPREAD IT OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER, until god bless us the vaccine failes, and they infect themselves. if you cant understand the FDA report of 2013, I will explain it """""""""""""" individuals immunized with an acellular pertussis vaccine may be protected from disease, they may still become infected with the bacteria without always getting sick and are able to spread infection to others, including young infants who are susceptible to pertussis disease."""""""""""" surely even idiots can understand that? Yes newly vaccinated, ARE MOST LIKELY THE SYMPTOMLESS CARRIERS.
Angela, the press announcement you linked to makes no statement whatsoever that newly vaccinated individuals represent a higher risk of acting as vectors of infection than do unvaccinated individuals.
DeleteCome on, Thing 1 and Thing 2 (aka you Anonymous posters of dubious intelligence)--have the slightest bit of courtesy and drop your cloaks. I don't believe either of you have any real scientific or medical qualifications to be commenting on vaccines, but if you do, putting your name on your posts would show that. --Chris Hickie, MD, PhD
ReplyDeleteAngela Coral Eisenhauer. Acellular pertussis vaccine is a failure, as an MD, you should have read the 2013 FDA report, and god forbit, hopefully you understood it? This vaccine is such a disaster, mothers and siblings, fully vaccinated, are infecting their own new babies, BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE. The ONLY CARRIERS are those that have had the acellular vaccine within last 10 years. sooner they stop revaccinating with this shit and deadly vaccine, the better.
Delete'The ONLY CARRIERS are those that have had the acellular vaccine within last 10 years."
DeleteCitations truly, madly, desparately needed, angela.
You vax quacks, your days are numbered
ReplyDelete" Vaccines did not save humanity and never will. Vaccines have never been proven truly safe except for perhaps the parameters of immediate death or some specific adverse events within up to 4 weeks. Smallpox was not eradicated by vaccines as many doctors readily say it was. They say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or science. Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing and distribution has committed atrocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is not a humanitarian. Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines---.[2011 Feb] A Few Things I Know by Suzanne Humphries, MD
Yay! It didn't take long at all to invoke Scopie's Law with Suzanne Humphries thrown in for good measure. John, perhaps you would like to make a point instead of inane fact-free drivelling. Quite a mental contortion to avoid admitting that vaccines work and save lives/suffering. And given how your band of anti-vaxx loons are mocked by mainstream media now, I'd say that you would also be wrong that "our days are numbered". People are noticing that your lot are risking the lives and health of others and aren't happy about it.
Deletemocking - you mean like the payout finally given behind closed doors to the poor little girl with permanent brain damage that actually made it into big pharmas news reports ?
DeleteSmallpox was eradicated by a vaccine. I do not say this out of conditioning but out of knowing both the history and the science behind it. Vaccines are one of the safest most effective medical interventions in history. I know it might seem fun to be rebellious and anti establishment, but in this case you just seem silly stating things with confidence that are so obviously false and then using a quack and a holocaust denial site to back it up is pathetic.
DeleteSmallpox was eradicated by Hygiene and sanitation practices, read about The Leicester Method the UK town who shunned vaccinations in favour of Hygiene and sanitation and had the lowest smallpox deaths and lowest disease rates compared to other UK towns. Vaccinations took all the credit. Many other diseases declined rapidly with increased sanitation and hygiene which didn't have a vaccine. Of course this is rarely mentioned. We only hear about the disease that a vaccine is available for and they seem to suddenly become so much more deadly once a vaccine hits the market.
DeleteLeisel - Smallpox is an airborne disease...please explain how "increased sanitation" can prevent the spread of a disease that travels easily through the air?
DeleteBetter yet, explain why incidence of a disease like measles plummeted only upon the mass use of vaccines.
I love how these folks like to depend on century plus old "just so" stories.
DeleteThis hoary old trope again. No Leisel, you don't know anything about the Leicester Method which did involve vaccination, isolation, quarantine and notification.
DeleteAngela Coral Eisenhauer. Acellular pertussis vaccine is a failure, as an MD, you should have read the 2013 FDA report, and god forbid, hopefully you understood it? This vaccine is such a disaster, mothers and siblings, fully vaccinated, are infecting their own new babies, BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE. The ONLY CARRIERS are those that have had the acellular vaccine within last 10 years. sooner they stop revaccinating with this shit and deadly vaccine, the better.
DeleteProof it's all about money, mostly off vaccine disease is the fact Vitamin C cures all viral infections, known for 70 years,
ReplyDelete1,200 citations.
So you can't find something not on the whale to support your frothing John? citations, John? You lose.
Delete"In any discussion involving science or medicine, citing as a credible source loses you the argument immediately... and gets you laughed out of the room."
- Scopie's Law
It would be nice if it were true, but as a nation we get a large excess of vitamin C every single day of our lives. Taking more when we already have an excess is not going to do anything realistically.
DeleteTaking more when we already have an excess is not going to do anything realistically.
DeleteUnfortunately it will do something in excess like cause diarrhoea and act as an antagonist for many other vitamins and minerals causing deficiencies. But I don't expect these morons to know or accept these facts.
"Unfortunately it will do something in excess like cause diarrhoea and act as an antagonist for many other vitamins and minerals causing deficiencies."
DeleteOf course you can back up that statement up Mom? Let us see you cite some papers to support the above.
Apart from IV, there are other methods of increasing Vt C intake without stimulating diarrhea. Is pubmed good enough for you?
As for large doses of Vit C causing deficiencies, another completely unsupported statement. You scream "cite" at everyone else. Let's see you do it on that one.
You are either ignorant of the subject, or not being honest. Time will tell.
The body can only process a certain amount of vitamins / minerals on a daily basis - the rest is flushed out with the urine - overdosing on vitamins doesn't do a damn thing....
DeleteAs for large doses of Vit C causing deficiencies, another completely unsupported statement. You scream "cite" at everyone else. Let's see you do it on that one.
DeleteYou are either ignorant of the subject, or not being honest. Time will tell.
Here is a nice well-cited wiki page that uses small enough words for you:
And another plain English source:
Your PubMed article is not even relevant to supplement megadosing.
Vaccine fails in 100% of people after 10 years (thank god, bdcause then they can no longer be symptomless carriers, infecting babies)................ The acellular pertussis vaccine used since 1995 is an abysmal failure and a danger. The outbreaks ARE CAUSED BY THE USELESS VACCINE. FACT: revaccinating means you get another 2 years protection, and are MORE LIKELY TO BE A SYMPTOMLESS CARRIER. Merck Murder of newborns, who can not be vaccinated, and althoug mum can infect her own baby, without even knowing it (being fully vaccinated), she can not pass on antibodies to her own baby? Vaccine antibodies are not REAL ANITBODIES... so mum CAN INFECT HER OWN BABY, but cant PROTECT HER OWN BABY? merck murder. Now they find revaccination a failure, they jabbing pregnant women? Where does Satanism end? Such appalling GREED and FRAUD of pharma. And a stupid woman on this site, claiming to be knowledgeable? FFS!
Deletepeople should know that vaccines can harm you
ReplyDeleteBEN is not the only person
there is more of like what happen to him I suffered 3 month after whooping cough vaccination and then different doctor give me flu shot and 2 week later I got GBS
wish I was told it could happen !
@Anon - there is a VIS (Vaccine Information Sheet) which is given to every single person who receives a vaccination. It clearly states all of the information you might require, including known side-effects and risks from the vaccination. By law, you are required to receive it.
DeleteIf you live in the USA.
Deletehi to all again!
Deletethere is no such thing as information in AU b4 u get the vaccine
I got vaccinated twice last year and suffered
with GBS 2 weeks later
16 month now still in pain will never be the same!
So sorry for your suffering Chris, this poor family in Perth, the mother recently got bashed by some pro vax nutter! Here is the FDA report that clearly states, those vaccinated, without symtoms, spread pertussis, even to babies. The sooner they stop rejabbing with this crap, the sooner they get rid of the vaccinated carriers............
DeleteBullshit, Anonymous - pre vaccination information is provided before you get any vaccination in Australia. Don't lie to make yourself seem reasonable.
DeleteAngela - here's a link that explains the issues with the pertussis vaccine - without your wild conspiracy theories...
"Dee PolMarch 13, 2016 at 5:54 PM
DeleteBullshit, Anonymous - pre vaccination information is provided before you get any vaccination in Australia. Don't lie to make yourself seem reasonable."
I am also in Australia and have never been shown any information re the vaccines I have received. Including the last one, which made me very sick by corrupting my immune system.
You have assumed all medicos follow the guidelines correctly....
Dear Brave Anonymous, it was probably that sheet of paper you put down next to you as you were staring at your phone.
DeleteNo, I don't actually own a mobile phone.
DeleteSheet of paper??
I would expect to be shown the full range of potential adverse reactions, not the sanitised version.
GSK, Merck and CSL product statements, typically of 10-15 pages, list a range of potential adverse reactions that I would like to be aware of before committing to any vaccination...... multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, pancreatitis, arthritis, diabetes, meningitis, encephalitis, lupus, lichen planus, ADEM, GBS......
As one gentleman said to me: "if they showed you this, you wouldn't go near it".
You mean the package inserts hiding in plain sight for years? The "adverse reactions" you listed weren't adverse reactions. Any and all events during clinical trials are reported, that's all. And if you looked at the actual trial you would see they are also present in the non-vaxx arm. Shit happens coincident with something.
DeleteYou have visited many Australian medical centres?
DeleteSo why does the manufacturer describe them as "adverse reactions" on their own product statements?
Why are they not just described as health problems that have been reported....?
If all health problems are reported during trials, why do we not see haemorrhoids or boils or any other common conditions that one would expect to find in a group of subjects over a given period?
Why does the packet leaflet show the low end reactions which are identified during trials but not the nasty ones which have shown up under the same protocols?
Why do these miscellaneous coincidental serious "adverse reactions" seem to be of a similar nature, regardless of which manufacturer's product statement one reads?
Why have I been informed by a number of specialists that my various debilitating health problems were caused by the vaccine, probably the adjuvant, and my health problems are the
same 'coincidental' health problems listed on the product statements?
"Reported Adverse Events" is a legal term, not a medical term.
DeleteI have been struggling for the last two years with a very unpleasant auto immune condition as a result of a commonly administered vaccine.
ReplyDeleteI am not anti-vaccination but I will not be having any more and prefer to take my chances with catching tetanus than what I have been through to date....and it is far from over.
Whilst the nurses that take my blood freely concede that serious side effects are common, the rest of the system goes to great lengths to avoid acknowledging’s not in the public’s best interest. The information is there but you have to dig for it. Don’t rely on your usual medical advisor....”there is little doubt the vaccination caused this....good luck trying to prove it” I was told and then refused treatment.
Quoting from a UNSW document on the Whooping Cough vaccine... “They found the bacterium is rapidly changing to lose one of three proteins targeted by the whooping cough vaccine. In the 2012 whooping cough outbreak, 80% of infections were caused by the bacterium missing the protein.”
How about this from the Melbourne Museum: “Salk vaccine contaminated with SV40 monkey virus. Traces found in a range of human cancers including mesothelioma.”
As a consumer, we might be shown the list of potential side effects, mild fever, chills, tiredness etc,
However, the nasty ones come under the following disclaimer and are not commonly listed:
“This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur.”
Such as [from GlaxoSmithKline]: “one subject was diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes 20 days following administration of ----------------.“
Keep in mind, the companies that produce these products do so to make a buck for their shareholders. They are not driven by altruism.
They share a similar mind set with any other big business [time for a Catalyst expose?].
Vaccinate by all means, just accept the risk of a serious side effect is higher than the industry and its supporters would have you believe.
"Vaccinate by all means, just accept the risk of a serious side effect is higher than the industry and its supporters would have you believe."
DeletePlease support that statement with PubMed indexed studies by qualified reputable researchers, not vague assertions. Especially since the SV40 contamination was removed over fifty years ago.
50 years ago heh? Seems to match up nicely with the age group frequently being diagnosed with mesothelioma.
DeleteVaccination side effects are under reported.
I was vehemently discouraged by the original GP from pursuing it any further. Why would that be?
The GP who represented the organization that gave me the Tdap vaccination bluntly refused to offer any treatment for the autoimmune condition but did report it to the TGA.
Why didn’t the original GP, who acknowledged that the vaccination caused my disease report it??
The limited information that I accessed from the TGA report bore little resemblance to what I presented to the GPs, it being downplayed.
I complained to the TGA but they were apparently not interested.
I was, after all, the original source of the information.
Real citation needed. Just post the PubMed indexed studies by qualified reputable researchers to support your statements,
DeleteYour ‘qualified reputable researchers’ didn’t accompany me to any of my medical appointments, so are probably not in a position to comment on my experiences.
DeleteBut I would be very happy to talk to them.
You also need to support your vague assertions that all/most/some researchers are reputable or even qualified for that matter.
You seem to have overlooked one of the most important criteria for a researcher ….*independent*… corporate funding/donations, no back hands, no special deals.
For the record, I have spent the last 28 years working in scientific research areas….biomedical, biomechanical and environmental.
I have seen it all at close hand [sometimes too close]…fraud, plagiarism, incompetence, corruption, negligence and concluded very few have the right to call themselves ‘Scientist’.
The fact that there were very overt and deliberate attempts to dismiss my case by *some* medicos, means there is a bloody big problem with the system.
It also means, by default, that adverse reactions are being under reported.
@anonymous - as any good lawyer would say, your screed "assumes facts not in evidence."
Delete"Your ‘qualified reputable researchers’ didn’t accompany me to any of my medical appointments, so are probably not in a position to comment on my experiences."
DeleteYou did not j ust rant about "your experiences", you also ranted about random factoids like SV40. First we no reason to believe what you experienced really happened the way you claimed. You also made claims about things that have been documented, so you need to come up with that evidence. .
From what I have seen so far, I doubt that you would accept anything I provided if it didn’t suit your mindset.
DeleteMedical reports are private and confidential and would require approval from the author before they could be displayed. You should know this.
I can provide extracts, but again, you would claim that I made them up.
I am not in the habit of taping conversations.
The UNSW paper on whooping cough and the SV40 business……info is readily available as you well know.
Ranting?? What ranting would that be? Like I said, I am neither pro nor anti. Is it classed as ranting because it doesn’t suit you?
If I had had the opportunity to read GSK’s *other* product statement, I would not have had the Tdap and insisted on a tetanus-only vaccine.
In the end, I don’t care if you over vaccinate or subject yourself to unnecessary risks, it makes no difference to me.
I urge those who are unsure to inform themselves and avoid the pro and anti-extremists if possible.
"Medical reports are private and confidential and would require approval from the author before they could be displayed."
DeleteWho asked for your personal medical reports? You made claims about SV40, the pertussis vaccine and other such statements that have nothing to with your history. Here is what you said:
"Vaccinate by all means, just accept the risk of a serious side effect is higher than the industry and its supporters would have you believe."
That has nothing to do with your personal medical history. You are making a testable claim that vaccines have serious side affects, which I replied with:
"Please support that statement with PubMed indexed studies by qualified reputable researchers, not vague assertions."
So just post the PubMed indexed studies by qualified reputable researchers that the side effects from any vaccine used in either Australia or the USA is more dangerous than the disease.
Or, failing that: get some lessons in reading comprehension.
Your ad hominem approach is doing you a dis service Chis.
DeleteYou wrote " Especially since the SV40 contamination was removed over fifty years ago" thereby acknowledging the accuracy of his/her original statement. He/she didn't give a time frame that i can see. No, you added that yourself. His statement was, and is factually correct by your own admission. Your attempt at obfuscating this has demonstrated something about yourself.
I also note that you wish to put the entire basis on PubMed publications. Please cite for us all one showing he is factually incorrect. You are the one refuting it. Cite.
If you need to supply the evidence you demand of on your next insurance claim, I wish you luck on that one. If a burglar takes all your possessions, you will cite a paper to the insurance company prove it? You live in a fantasy world.
Correction. You wrote "Especially since the SV40 contamination was removed over fifty years ago." Thereby acknowledging the accuracy of his his initial quotation. Though I doubt that was your intention.
"Your ad hominem approach is doing you a dis service Chis."
DeleteIt took you over six months to think of a reply, and you did not even bother to look up the definition of "ad hominem" ?
That is pathetic. Which is not an ad hominem, but a direct observation wrapped in an insult.
"It took you over six months to think of a reply, and you did not even bother to look up the definition of "ad hominem" ?
DeleteThat is pathetic. Which is not an ad hominem, but a direct observation wrapped in an insult."
All very interesting but those comments above aren't mine.
Have you considered lessons in reading comprehension?
FYI, I didn't feel the need to respond as there was nothing to respond to.
30 months on and unfortunately I am still deteriorating from my vaccination injury, no longer able to work.
Thanks for asking.
"All very interesting but those comments above aren't mine."
DeleteHow are we supposed to know? And you still do not know what ad hominem means.
Also, SV40 issue was dealt with over fifty years ago, so that puts the time frame well in the past.
Would love to see your VAERS entry & how is your Vaccine Court claim going?
DeleteClaim was lodged with the relevant authority and will hopefully hear something from them in a month or so.
DeleteHave been warned there is usually a confidentiality requirement attached to these things, but we'll see what happens [so much for transparency].
Happy to provide a TGA case number but would prefer to wait until I hear from the above first [you'll only claim it isn't mine anyway].
.....and I have gone on to develop additional autoimmune issues since the report was registered with them......and I never mentioned the previous mini-seizures [didn't want to risk loosing my licence].
There is no confidentiality agreement. The NVICP publishes decisions, you have to request to have them redacted.
DeleteNo, doesn't work that way here.
DeleteWe don't have any NVICP scheme.
You are pretty much on your own unless you get the media involved as the Hammonds did.
That thing that said the whooping cough has changed, is balony. If that was the case everyone would be catching it, NOT JUST THOSE VACCINATED WITH THE FAILED ACELLULAR VACCINE. The vaccine lasts, on average 3 years, during this time, those vaccinated, are carriers, they catch it, and carry it in their throats, and spread it, for 8 weeks, not just once, but over and over............. walking cesspool of disease.... The sooner the vaccine fails, the better! Revaccinating is just prolonging the damn problem, and those revaccinated, are MORE LIKELY TO BE SYMPTOMLESS CARRIERS. I can give you allt he references you want. Just fb angela coral eisenhauer. I worked in the area, I tested all those kids in the 2010 outbreak ... ALL ACELLULAR VACCINE FAILURES. All aged 6-16. As for measles vaccine, similar failure, vaccinated spread measles to each other, often without spots!
DeleteCitations needed.
DeleteYour evidence that people vaccinated against pertussis become carriers, capable of infecting others with pertussis for as long as 8 weeks after inoculation despite the fact the DTaP vaccine contains no live pertussis virus, would be what exactly?
Your evidence that people who receive an MMR vaccination are capable of infecting others with the vaccine strain of the measles virus, despite the fact that strain is attenuated, would be what exactly?
"I can give you all the references you want."
Just provide citations to what you believe to be the best two or three citations demonstrating each of these claims is accurate.
Extract below is from an official Victorian Government website [Myths and Facts].
ReplyDeleteThe statement is absolute.... "these theories have been extensively investigated and dismissed".
Yet GSK concedes [extract below] that a test subject actually *did* develop insulin dependant diabetes within 20 days of receiving Boostrix.
This is what concerns people. People expect information published by Government health officials to be honest.
If you can't even trust government health officials to get this right, who do you trust?? What else are we being misled about?
"Myth: Vaccinations can cause certain disorders, such as autism and diabetes......
Fact: These theories have been extensively investigated and dismissed. ........"
However, GSK states on page 10 of their 25 page Boostrix Product Statement:
".....which serious adverse events were monitored for up to 37 days, one subject was diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes 20 days following administration of BOOSTRIX."
If I had been shown this information, there is no way on earth I would have had that vaccination.
One person getting diagnosed after vaccination does not prove vaccines are bad. What you really need are PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that is a common occurrence with that vaccine.
Delete"One person getting diagnosed after vaccination does not prove vaccines are bad."
Delete1. I didn't say that and you are missing the point.
It is a serious matter yet the information being provided by the Victorian Government's *experts* is incorrect and even though this has been brought to their attention, it still has not been corrected.
2. GSK don't know if the diabetes was a one-off event. The fact that they have recorded it suggests the vaccine did damage the subject's pancreas in some way. There are a number of other serious adverse reactions also listed in the same document...."Convulsions (with and without fever), encephalitis, facial palsy....."
Not even wrong.
DeleteYou cannot go by package inserts, especially if it is just one incidence. What you need is a large population study to see if there is some kind of connection. One like the following:
Pediatrics. 2001 Dec;108(6):E112
Childhood vaccinations, vaccination timing, and risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Actually, any adverse event that occurs within the study period is reported, whether it is linked to the vaccine (or drug) or not at the end of the day.
DeleteSince additional studies have been done that show that diabetes and vaccines aren't related, you are barking up the wrong tree.
Well Government DOES KNOW that the present pertussis vaccine is an abysmal failure, that it is causing baby deaths. Those vaccinated are symptomless carriers, infecting newborns... The vaccine fails after an average of 3 years, every kid gets pertussis anyway........ Measles vaccine is a failure too, but measles doesnt kill innocent babies, like the acellular pertussis vaccinated symptomless carriers, are going......... Merck and GSK MURDER!
DeleteAnd stupid blogs like this, and pro vax, education sites.... are getting donations from Merck?
DeleteEspecially when you're sprouting conspiracy theories and accusing people of being paid shills...
No, wasn't a package insert. Wasn't intended for the patient.
ReplyDeleteSo. The subject receives a vaccination that is designed to interfere with the immune system and three weeks later goes on to develop a disease of the immune system in the form of diabetes?
I receive the same vaccination and within weeks I have also developed a disease of the immune system?
Diseases of the immune system seem to be a recurring theme.
Conclusions, scientific or otherwise, that are worded something along the lines of "we have found no evidence that demonstrates a link between abc and xyz" does not mean there is no link. It just means that if there is a link, they didn't find it.
@Anon - a vaccine is not "designed to interfere" with the immune system, all it does is provoke a reaction, just like any other pathogen.
DeleteAgain, all of the research has debunked any link between vaccines and diabetes, so you're again, barking up the wrong tree.
Provoking a reaction, does not provide immunity............. And adding all the crap they do, to provoke a reaction, that doesnt work? Instead now 52% of kids in USA, alone are chronically ill? 69 vaccines?? Gardasil deaths now 240, USA alone, and 2,000 crippled. What will 5 years post gardasil show? Autism 1 in 33. 1 in 2 will get cancer. USA highest neonatal death rate in the developed world? Have you got your head in the sand????
DeleteNo Angela.
DeleteHere's a link debunking bullshit about Gardasil:
Vaccines do not cause Autism.
Vaccines do not cause cancer... in fact the Hep B & Gardasil vaccines prevent cancer...
USA neonatal deaths have more to do with insufficient peri & post natal care.
No one has their head in the sand here - but you appear to have your head firmly wedged up your arse....
ReplyDeleteI have only just seen this open letter. I am bens wife tanya
Thank you to all who jumped to our defense i means alot to us .
To the person who decided to write this with not knowing nor trying to know anything about us or our situation you are just plane rude. How about you LIVE A WEEK IN OUR SHOES then rewrite the letter . How about YOU contact me thru our fb page NO FAULT COMPONSATION SCHEME FOR SEVERE ADVERSE REACTION TO VACCINATION FOR AUSTRALIANS. To actually get some facts . You are not a very nice human being at all .
Thanks to thisletter 9 news now wont touch us . We need help ... i couldgo on but wots the point youobviously know everything about us so hey ..
Again thank you to all of you who commented to support us xx
Tanya, perhaps you would be so kind as to supply us with Ben's medical report to support your contention of vaccine-related ADEM and we would be happy to publish facts regarding this case. If you read the letter, it's admonishing Channel Nine for shoddy, fact-free reporting. If they refuse to support you any further, perhaps it's because they have taken the letter seriously and can't substantiate your charges.
DeleteSupply you with Ben's medical report??? Are you fair dinkum?
DeleteYou being a subject matter expert?? Along with media personalities, GPs and conflicted politicians?
Independent immunologists/communicable disease specialists are subject matter experts and they tend to keep a very low profile.
On the rare occasion they do make a public comment it is not what the industry wants to hear. See Prof Peter Collignon's comments.
Tanya, it's not trial by media. The media involvement may be counter productive. There are medicos who are not afraid to call it what it just have to find them and get competent legal representation. Find out who managed the Saba Button case?
Make sure Ben's TGA adverse reaction report accurately represents what happened. Use FOI if necessary. Keep in mind the TGA is financed 100% by the industry..... it isn't interested in upsetting their masters.
Anonymous, was there an actual coherent statement there because all I see is some word-salad.
DeleteYour link to the original story is broken. For those who would like to view the news story, it is here on you-tube now:
ReplyDeleteI wish the best for this family.
individuals immunized with an acellular pertussis vaccine may be protected from disease, they may still become infected with the bacteria without always getting sick and are able to spread infection to others, including young infants who are susceptible to pertussis disease.
ReplyDeleteScience based? This blog, you gotta be kiddin me?
ReplyDeleteYep. Compared to a path collection clerk, they certainly know more about vaccinations than you do...
Delete yes this is what happens when someone speaks the truth.
ReplyDeleteSince you're all about 'balance', Angela...
Also - I can't seem to find any reputable news stories about Tanya Hammond's assault or the police raid - care to link to something other than antivaxxer/conspiracy blogs?
DeleteNorther Rivers link has done a dive....... Must have got exposed for their links to pharma I guess, good riddance to rotten rubbish.
ReplyDeleteHi there - I got GBS (it's a bastard) after no vaccines at all. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteHow long was it before your last vaccination [if any]?
DeleteWhilst my vaccine reaction started within hours some of my other symptoms took 2-3 years to appear.
To Science Mom and Catherine, I've just been reading through this blog and while I note that there's a lot of rhetoric and unbacked claims coming from the anti-vax group, there's also a lot of vitriol and lack of open mindedness from you two. You can't just shoot down somebody's argument by bringing attention back onto the individual putting the point across, ("Are you a lawyer(?)", "If you are a healthcare provider and telling your "patients" (in quotes as I doubt you are in a position to actually have patients) to research vaccinations on their own then you are a sad excuse for a healthcare provider and should be kept far away from patients." etc.) Whether your argument is right or not, you come across as very belligerent and full of yourselves with statements like this. Try to stay focused on the points of the argument and stop attacking the individuals who oppose your point of view, and we might actually get somewhere in this debate. Just my two cents.
ReplyDeleteTravis V. B. Ed. (Hons)
I am a pro-vaxxer.My neighbour is not,and she refuses to vaccinate her children 18mth's and 3 y/o.
ReplyDeleteShe is adamant vaccine's cause autism and all the usual crap.Plus it doesn't help,people fuelling her delusion's.
Anyway,as a concerned neighbour and freind i research to find credible scources for either argument.And after considerable research,there's only ever anecdotal evidence on the anti-vaxxer's side and the pro side's evidence is overwhelmingly abundant,and in their favour.
What i will say though is i have personally witness a child with whooping cough,and it is one of the times in my life when i felt totally helpless.The child was 6 at the time and in a very bad state in hospital,the cough had worsened over a couple of month's.The hospital had pretty well told the parent's to get ready to bury her.They were anti-vaxxer's,this was 1988.Anyway,her father literally took her from the hospital to a natural healer on Tamborine Mountian and she was better within 3-4 days.I know this is only anecdotal evidence,but i also know what i witnessed.
Anyway,there are some good scources you have provided for pro-vax,and the more scientific proof,with name's and institutions cited,the better.But the sad thing i find with people who have been brainwashed into believing alot of conspiracies is,they will only look for info to validate their claim's.They will not even entertain the idea of a balanced outlook.How do you deal with people like this??It hurt's my head thinking about it.
What a crock.. Pertussis vaccination is useless and has been for some time. In 1991 there were 373 reported cases of pertussis in Australia with about a 53% uptake of the "more effective" whole cellular pertussis vaccine.. Only a 53% uptake! As vaccination increased for pertussis so did cases. They had to switch to a cellular in 1997 due to ... wait for it.. Bad reactions and complications due to the whole cellular vaccine ..
ReplyDeleteSo what is your proven method to prevent pertussis from killing babies? Please provide the details with PubMed indexed evidence that it has been proven to actually work before.
DeleteOne thing to not mention: Acellular pertussis vaccines in Japan: past, present and future.
There are at least 1200 studies that show vaccines cause death and injuries. Parents are entitled to this information. Fortunately for all of us Dr Alan Palmer has but all of these studies together, fully referenced and is providing his research Free of Charge. Your Government is captured by Big Pharma - they are the strongest and most powerful lobbying groups world-wide. Don't die of ignorance Catherina - Read the research and if you value the truth you will pass it on:
To Science Mom : Please read this: By Dr Alan Palmer:
ReplyDelete1200 research papers the vaccine industry DOESN"T want you to see:
Thank you for shilling for an anti-vaxx chiroquack so I can't point to how you are the ones who actually shill. Point to a single study in his moronic Gish Galop that supports the anti-vaxx claim of massive "vaccine injuries". Yes there are adverse events due to vaccines that include death and they are extremely rare.